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Best Japanese Candies to Try in 2020

Love sweets? Well, who doesn't! I'm just not done with any place I visit unless I have tried all the sweets and candies on the offer. And if you have a sweet tooth like me, Congratulations! You have arrived at the right place. This comprehensive guide to Japanese Candies is all you need to read to know about the best sweet treats from the Land of Rising Sun. Yes! You have heard me right. This article is aimed at the people who admire Japan and like Japanese food, but are confused when it comes to trying the best of the Japanese candies? The people who are going to a Japanese specialty shop and browsing the websites, but the choices are too daunting for them. Don't worry, we have this covered! Bear with me, read this article till the end, and you'll know exactly what are the top 10 Japanese candies that you must try in 2020. So, let's explore!

Popin’ Cookin’ DIY Candy

The Popin Cookin DIY candies are very special! Just as the name suggests, this is the Do It Yourself sort of candy!  I know you don't find a DIY candy that often, and that's why most of the YouTube videos about Popin Cookin DIY candy have millions of views! The most common version is probably the Popin Cookin sushi, where you can create sushi set from scratch with the given ingredients. Just a little mix of this and a little mix of that and boom, you've got what looks like a complete sushi collection. Don't be confused, it's actually candy and tastes pretty good!

Kororo Japanese Gummy Candy

This is a cube-shaped delicious gummy candy manufactured by Kororo, a fairly big Japanese producer. Kororo Gummies are sweet and made from real fruits, mostly berries. Kororo's claim to conserve the flavor as well of the texture of real fruits in their amazingly tasty gummies.  The candy is a mix of jelly and orthodox gummy. The top layer of the gummy is just like the outer layer of the fruit. Once you peel it, you find the juicy jelly-like candy that gives you a strong real fruit taste and scent. The most famous flavor is definitely grape because the feeling is so close to actually eating real grapes!

Japanese Kit Kat Matcha

This is a pretty obvious pick, and you may have tried it already, but still, we never know! If you haven't tasted it yet, get some right away! They're so yummy. Kit Kat is very big in Japan. To appeal to the Japanese market, Nestle has come up with a number of unique Kit Kat flavors that are rare and hard to identify in the USA or outside of Japan. This specific kit Kat is the Maacha Flavor. Matcha is Japanese green tea, but rather than infusing it like we do in the West, Japanese grind the leaves of the green tea till it takes the shape of fine powder. This powder is the main ingredient of this Kit Kat Japanese Candy.  Kit Kat has a true green hue and tastes like a hint from green Matcha mixed with rich milk chocolate.

Otoko Ume Candy

Otoko ume candy is created from a delicious Japanese plum called umeboshi. This is where this candy gets her name. Unlike gummies, they are hard and crunchy. Otoko ume is a hard-plum candy and is very popular in Japan. And I must tell you these candies aren't just sweet; they have a really strong tinge of the sour and salty taste. 

Hi-Chew Japanese Candy

Hi-Chew is Perhaps one of the most prominent Japanese candies available in the West. Hi-chew is a chewing gum substitute made of chewy fruit-flavored candy. These are available in more than 170 different flavors, the most successful being: apple, grape, strawberry, and orange.

This chewy candy came in to being when Taichiro Morinaga (the confectioner who invented HI-CHEW) was searching for a chewing gum alternative in order to avoid the awkward act of taking the chewing gum piece out of his mouth when it is finished because it doesn't look polite. 

Fast forward a few years, Hi-chew is now one of Japan's most common chewy candies, and Morinaga has become one of Asia's largest confectioners.

E-ma Japanese Throat Candy

E-ma is owned by the same company that produces the famous Kororo gummies! So, you should expect some real goodness. E-ma candies are considered good for the throat since the outer shell is made of xylitol rich in vitamin C. They're not like your usual throat candies, the outer layer is rough, but the inside is made of a soft gummy texture, as you would expect from UHA. And the packaging of this candy makes it very easy for a single candy to be used and stored properly. E-ma candies are available in a variety of flavors such as grapes, soda, lemon, and fruit mixtures.

Fettuccine Gummy Japanese Candy

This incredibly tasteful candy is for you, sweet and sour enthusiasts. Count me in this club. In contrast to the previous gummies I listed, Fettucine Candy does not try to imitate real fruit taste. Fettucine Candies o take their name from Italian pasta because they look just like pasta! Fettuccine Gummy Candies are also available in a wide variety of flavors. If you enjoy sweet and sour candies, you should try the Fettucine Gummy, they're one of the must-try and my favorite Japanese candies

Konpeito Japanese Candy

Konpeito is a popular hard Japanese candy. They were created by the Portuguese merchants at the beginning of the 16th century. Its names originally came from the Portuguese word "confeito," which is a kind of sugar candy. Sugar was not really a known raw ingredient for Japanese people before it was introduced by the Portuguese. Because of this, these candies were costly, rare, and hard to produce. Therefore, over time Konpeito became one of Japan's most popular, traditional, and iconic candies.

Pure Gummy Grape Japanese Candy

Introduced by Kanro, Pure Gummy Grape candy is also one of the best Japanese candies that deserve a try. Sweet and sour in taste, these candies contain vitamin C, collagen, and rich grape juice at their core, while the external surface is relatively hard. The candy comes in a lot of flavors, including lemon and berry. 

Match Green Tea Marshmellow

Matcha Green Tea Marshmallow is a wonderful treat to all of you, Matcha lovers. The Japanese are taking on the marshmallows with the addition of Matcha green tea, and that really gives it a unique taste.

Many different brands are selling this type of marshmallow, such as the "Eiwa Matcha marshmallow" or the "Hello Kitty Matcha marshmallow." So, if you love marshmallows and Japanese Matcha green tea, then you should certainly try these tasty candies.